
circa January 2021

prolific (adj.) - producing much fruit or foliage.

I have a pale, green thumb.

This means I know just enough to maintain and care for the plants within my reach, but I don’t know enough to take in plants that are more than low maintenance. However, the shade of my thumb did not stop me. Within college and as I moved into my first apartment, I became enamored with the concept of growth. I became a plant mom, starting with small houseplants, and watched them bloom into stable trees with vibrant leaves. Although I didn’t realize it, my newfound interest reflected this new stage of life I was in. I was in the process of leaving what was familiar and transitioning to something new. But the thing with growth is that it is an ever-going process.

The trees you plant today determine the fruit you eat tomorrow.

The trees you plant today determine the fruit you eat tomorrow.

With seasons of growth come seasons of foliage. But with any season, you can only thrive as much as you’re poured into. So the question is what do you allow to be poured into you? Community plays an enormous role in my life, especially as a Black woman. With this project, I wanted to take the time and create a space that felt nourishing and whole. In a way, Black people are like plants. Always adapting to our environments, embracing not just the sunny days but the stormy nights too. We’re rooted in tradition and ideals, but also fluid enough to embrace change and innovation when it’s time to change our pots for room to grow. But most importantly, we extend ourselves and provide benefits from our growth, meant to sustain others and create a history of success.

While we all may be rooted and planted into various pots, we are constantly evolving to be the best version of ourselves daily to produce fruit that can last us a lifetime.